Sicily Osteria, NYC
Ever passionate about all things culinary, Shari founded BPR in 2003, a NYC culinary and hospitality-focused PR and marketing agency; developing strong relationships with media and a presence in the hospitality community.
Chefwise, Life Lessons from Leading Chefs Around the World (Phaidon)
Shari is the author of a new book, Chefwise, Life Lessons from Leading Chefs Around the World (Phaidon, Spring 2023), featuring inspiration, advice and life lessons both in and out of the kitchen from 117 leading chefs. Shari is also a contributing writer to publications including Fathom, focusing on what she knows and loves best: food, restaurants, chefs, solo dining and travel.
Shari Bayer, Host and Producer
In 2014, Shari launched her weekly podcast, “All in the Industry” on Heritage Radio Network, the world’s pioneer food radio station; dedicated to behind-the-scenes talent in the hospitality industry.
H.O.S.T.’s Host Shari Bayer
H.O.S.T. summit + social
H.O.S.T. — HOSPITALITY. OPERATIONS. SERVICES. TECHNOLOGY. Developed by Shari, this inaugural conference for, and about, the dynamic hospitality industry, took place in Brooklyn, NY, in January 2020, bringing behind-the-scenes talent in hospitality to the forefront.